高等教育所具有的产业属性决定了它能够成为投资主体对象 ,高等教育的大众化发展方向和良好的投资收益率强化了政府、社会及民众对高等教育的投资力度。目前 ,高等教育投资结构中财政性投入和非财政性投入并举 ;居民对大学生提供的生活保障费用和大学生在上学期间所放弃的个人收入应核算为对高等教育的消费性投资。高等教育投资的宏观社会环境、政策环境和微观组织环境良好 ;观念问题、经济不发达等仍是影响对高等教育投资的主要因素。宏观投资环境的改善、宏观政策的落实。
the property of Higher Education in China has made itself a favourable environment of investment. The popularization of Higher Education has attracted more investment from government, society and common people. In the investment structure of Higher Education, today, exists the financial support from both government and civilians. The fees that the civilians offer to ensure college students to live in the colleges or universities and the opportunity cost of the college students can be accounted as a kind of consumed investment in Higher Education. The macroscopic social environment, the state policy and microcosmic management of Higher Education are going well except the unchanged ideology of common people and under developed economy that are the restrictions. But if the three factors are further improved, the investment and its environment in Higher Education will have a splendid future.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College