

Searching the sacred seeds of “multi-understanding” in The Augsburg Confession
摘要 作为路德宗最重要的信仰说明,《奥斯堡信条》为多元理解播下了神圣的种子。在理解圣经过程中,天主教会的解释传统是有害于信仰的,它仅与教父们的理解一样同属意见,教会无权垄断圣经解释;个人直接理解圣经不但是必要的,而且是可能的。所有的这些都是属人的(von Menschen eingesetzt)意见,仅是多元理解之中的一元,而非真理本身。《信条》在为圣经多元理解播撒"种子"的同时也为救赎真理走上相对主义道路埋下隐患。 As Lutheran Church’s most important confession of faith,Augsburg Confession has sown sacred seeds of multi-understanding. According to theConfession, the tradition of the Catholic in interpretating the Bible is harmful to faith. It is only an opinion as the understanding of the Fathers. The Church is not supposed to monopolize the interpretation of the Bible. It is not only necessary but also probable for an individual to understand the Bible by oneself. These are all artificial (man-made; von Menschen eingesetzt) opinions. Each one is merely one of the multi-understandings, not the truth. Thus, theConfession brings flexibility and pluralism of interpreting the Bible, and at the same time leaves potential space for the truth of salvation to develop to relativism.
作者 孙义文
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第4期27-31,共5页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 2014年安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目"经典诠释视域下的朱熹与戴震孟学比较研究"(AHSKQ2014D131)
关键词 多元理解 《奥斯堡信条》 圣经解释 传统 multi-understandings The Augsburg Confession the interpretation of the Bible tradition
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