

Analysis of the application of intravenous chemotherapy drugs in our hospital from 2012 to 2014
摘要 目的 :分析2012-2014年我院静脉用化疗药品用量,了解近年肿瘤患者用药的主要特点及药品的应用情况,为静脉用化疗药品应用和药物经济学研究提供参考。方法 :对上海同济大学附属同济医院2012-2014年静脉用化疗药品的销售金额和用药频度(DDDs)等进行统计并分析。结果 :大类中,我院静脉用抗肿瘤药品中抗代谢类药物的使用金额和DDDs最大。单药中,培美曲塞每年的使用金额最大,甲氨蝶呤每年的DDDs最大。结论 :我院静脉用抗肿瘤化疗药物的用量稳步上升,使用品种朝着高效、低毒、价廉发展。 Object: To analyze the intravenous medication for tumor chemotherapy during 2012-2014 and understand the main characters for the medication of patients with tumor and the application of drugs in recent years, so as to provide a reference for the clinical medication and the study of pharmacoeconomics. Methods: The sales and defined daily doses(DDDs) for intravenous tumor chemotherapy drugs were statistically analyzed. Results: The sales and DDDs of anti-metabolic drugs are the greatest in the categories. The annual sales for drug pemetrexed are the greatest in individual drug and the annual DDDs for methotrexate are the greatest. Conclusion: The amount of intravenous anti-tumor chemotherapy drugs in our hospital is steadily increasing and the varieties used show a trends of efficient, low toxicity and low cost development.
出处 《上海医药》 CAS 2015年第17期51-54,共4页 Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 静脉用化疗药 用量分析 用药频度 tumor chemotherapy drugs medication analysis DDDs
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