

The study of lossy compressive method with different interpolation for holographic reconstruction in optical scanning holography
摘要 采用3种不同的插值方法研究了有损耗全息压缩方法实现光学扫描全息的压缩重现过程,结果表明没有主要全息重现细节的丢失,有损耗全息压缩法可以实现压缩比达到100的全息压缩重现. The lossy hologram compression method with three different interpolations is investigated to compress images holographically recorded with optical scanning holography. Without loss of major reconstruction details ,results have shown that the lossy compression method is able to achieve high compression ratio of up to 100.
出处 《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第4期356-361,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
基金 partially supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(61307008) the Shanghai City Board of Education Research and Innovation Project(13YZ063) the Shanghai Municipal Natural Science Foundation(14ZR1430700)
关键词 光学扫描全息 损耗压缩法 插值方法 optical scanning holography lossy compression methods interpolation methods
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