
量子计算与量子信息简介 被引量:1

The Introduction of Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
摘要 介绍量子计算与量子信息的产生背景、发展简史,量子比特与量子门的数学描述以及它们与物理概念之间的关系。介绍量子并行基础的线性叠加、量子力学独特资源的纠缠及其应用。介绍量子密码无条件安全的理论基础、发展历史,量子信息学研究、量子计算机实现的现状,并对未来作展望。 Introduces the background and the brief history of quantum computation and quantum information, describes the mathematical description of qubits and quantum gates and the relation between the mathematical description and their physical concepts. Introduces the linear superposition principle, which is the foundation of parallel computation, and quantum entanglement which is the unique property of quantum mechanics, and its application. Introduces the theory foundation of unconditional security of quantum cryptography and its history, introduces the current situation of the research on quantum information theory and the implement of quantum computer, and the future perspective of quantum computation and quantum information.
出处 《现代计算机》 2015年第15期18-22,共5页 Modern Computer
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61272013)
关键词 量子计算与量子信息 发展简史 基本概念 基本特性 基本原理 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information the Brief History of Development Basic Concept Basic Characteristics Basic Principles
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