
源于数据高于数据——数据新闻对传统新闻的超越 被引量:1

On the Advantages of Data News over Traditional News
摘要 数据新闻是"读图时代"和"大数据时代"的产物。从传统新闻到数据新闻,前者用文字摆事实,讲道理,后者则用数字表现变化,预测趋势;前者注重描述性的表达方式,后者注重展示性的表达方式;前者侧重定性的方法来说明事物本质,后者侧重定量的方法来发现新闻背后的问题。数据新闻在传播形式上俨然比传统新闻更有优势,但这绝不代表数据新闻可以抛弃传统新闻的思维方式,而应该在数理统计和数据分析的基础上结合社会学的研究方法和哲学的思辨方法,从形式和内容两个方面实现对传统新闻的超越。 Data news is the product of " diagram- reading era" and " Big data era". While traditional news uses words to state facts and reasons,data news uses digits to show variations and predict trend. The former prefers description and qualitative methods whereas the later prefers demonstration and quantitative methods to discover problems behind the news. Data news has an obviously advantage over traditional news in the way of spreading,yet the thinking method of traditional news should be inherited,and the research method and philosophical speculation of sociology should be combined on the basis of data statistics and analysis,thus data news shall exceed traditional news from both forms and contents.
出处 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期172-176,共5页 Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 郑州大学基础与新兴学科方向"新媒体公共传播"研究项目
关键词 数据新闻 传统新闻 大数据 Data news Traditional news
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