随着时代的发展,社会的进步,在化工设计自动化的进程中,越来越多的应用软件被大家所应用,尤其在化工类的设计软件也在不断的推陈出新。由最初的CAD到后来的PDS,Smart Plant,再到现在的PSDS,化工设计软件越来越人性化,操作更加简便快捷,大大提高了设计者的设计效率。PSDS(Plant Space Design Series)是款基于Micro Station平台,用于三维管道设计,管道支吊架设计,提取单管轴测图(ISO图),提取各种材料报告,参考数据库管理的工程类软件。
With the progress of the society, more and more application software is used in the process of chemical engineering design, especially in chemical pipe design. From original CAD to PDS, Smart Plant, now PSDS, the chemical design software is more hommization and more convenient, and it can greatly improve the design efficiency. PSDS (Plant Space Design Series) is engineering soRware based on Micro Station platform, used for 3D piping design, design of pipe rack, extraction of single pipe axonometric drawing (ISO), extraction of various materials report.
Liaoning Chemical Industry