青藏高原东北缘自然环境具有明显的特殊性、过渡性、多样性和敏感性,人类在高原活动历史较为悠久,人类活动对环境演变的响应非常敏感,其研究对于理解极端环境下的人类响应与适应具有重要意义.本文综述了青藏高原人类活动与环境演变的研究成果,并对高原人类活动的阶段划分、典型遗迹和环境演变对人类活动影响进行分析与论述.青藏高原人类活动明显划分为旧石器、新石器、青铜时代和历史时期四个阶段,末次冰消期至全新世早期,环境状况不断好转,旧石器时代狩猎者已经踏足高原,活动规模小,但有较高的流动性和随机性.在全新世大暖期的6~4kaBP高原东北缘和东缘产生了新石器时代的马家窑、宗日和卡若文化,适宜的气候条件促使高原人类发展农业、实现定居、使用磨制石器和陶器为其特征.4 ka前后大暖期结束,冷干化的气候趋势使得高原东缘史前文化发生更替和萎缩,高原东部边缘逐步过渡至青铜时代,农业比重下降,畜牧业逐渐确立,区域性畜种(牦牛、藏绵羊)的培养和驯化,使得人类向高原各个角落扩散,不同区域的环境条件,形成不同的文化(辛店、卡约和诺木洪),文化发生分裂.2kaBP进入历史时期,高原人群的迁徙、部落的兴起等都与环境变化关系密切.
The natural environment in the Qinghai‐Tibet plateau northeastern edge has obvious particu‐larity ,transitivity ,diversity and susceptibility. Human activities has a long history on the plateau. The effect of human activities on environmental evolution is very sensitive. The researches about it are of great importance to realize the human’s response and adaptability when under those extreme environment.The passage concludes the research findings on human activities and environmental evolution in Qinghai‐Tibet plateau and analyses the phases of plateau human activities ,the typical remains and the influences of envi‐ronmental evolution on human activities.Qinghai‐Tibet plateau human activities are divided into Paleolithic age ,Neolithic age ,Age of Copper and historical period. In the last deglaciation to early Holocene ,envi‐ronmental conditions had been improving continually. And in paleolithic age ,the shooters had stepped in‐to plateau. T hey had small scale of the activities ,w hile having higher liquidity and random. In the Hol‐ocene Warm Period 6~4kaBP ,Majiayao ,Zongri and KaRe culture of Neolithic age came into being at the plateau northeastern and eastern edge. The suitable climatic conditions help humans in plateau to develop agriculture ,settle down and use polished stone tools and pottery which are their characteristics. About the 4ka period ,the big warm was over. Cold and dry climate trend replaced and reduced the prehistoric cul‐ture of the plateau eastern edge ;carried out the transition to the Age of Copper progressively at the plat‐eau eastern edge ;decreased the proportion of agriculture and established the animal husbandry gradually.The cultivation and acclimatization of Regional animal species (yak and Tibetan sheep) made humans spread to every corner on the plateau. T he environmental conditions of different regions took different cul‐tures (Xindian ,Zongri and KaRe culture ). T hen the Cultures splitted. 2kaBP into the historical period , migration of the plateau population ,tribe arising had a close relationship with environmental change .
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
Qinghai-Tibet plateau
human activities
environmental evolution