

Re-exploration on the Origin of the Prehistoric Witch Religion of the Chinese Feng Shui
摘要 国外考古学和其他学科早在20世纪就揭示并多学科证明了史前存在"亚美巫教底层"。张光直先生转述的"亚美巫教底层"理论主要建构者佛斯特先生关于其意识形态八大特征的论述,张先生本人关于巫教对史前中国尤其重要和这八条"几乎全部适用于古代中国"研究的见解启示人们,史前巫教研究是中国风水起源研究绕不开的话题。仔细比较,"八条"中的第二条所讲"有四方神与‘四象限’神",世界"分为四个象限,由南北与东西中轴所分隔,同时各个方向又常与特定的颜色相结合"以及第四条所讲"巫师经常有动物神的助手"等等,与中国风水最主要的"前朱雀,后玄武,左青龙,右白虎"和"南北中轴线"基本图式完全扣合;第五条所讲"环境中的所有现象都由一种生命力或灵魂赋予生气",也与中国风水特别推崇"生气"的哲学理念完全吻合,都是巫教即中国风水之史前文化源头的佐证。 As early as in the 20th century, the foreign archaeology and other disciplines revealed and proved that there existed the "bottom layer of the Arminius witch". The theory of "bottom layer of the Arminius witch" retold by Mr. Zhang Guangzhi and it was mainly constructed by Mr. Frost, in which Frost expounded that the Arminius which possessed eight ideological characteristics. Mr. Zhang himself once said that witch was very important to the prehistoric China and the eight ideological characteristics of the Arminius which were quite suitable for the study of the ancient China. The above-mentioned ideas reflected that the study of prehis- toric witch had something to do with the study of origin of the Chinese Feng Shui. The article 2 of the eight ideological characteristics of the Arminius which said that there existed the gods of four directions and the gods of four quadrants ; the cosmos was divided into four quadrants which were Sep.arated by central axis between south and north, and east and west; meanwhile every direction often combined with specific color; the article 4 said witches were helped by the animal gods. By careful comparison, we found that the a- bove-mentioned ideas accorded completely with the theory of the Chinese Feng Shui, in which there existed front southern god (scarlet bird), behind northern god (tortoise), left eastern god (green dragon) , right western god (white tiger) ; there was a bas- ic chart of the central axis of south and north. Article 5 said all phenomenon in the cosmos were endowed vigor by vitality or soul, which accorded with vigor philosophy proposed by the Chinese Feng Shui. AU these evidences proved that the witch religion was the origin of the prehistoric culture of the Chinese Feng Shui.
作者 胡义成
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2015年第17期65-73,共9页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金跨学科课题:风水与当代环境艺术设计(11YJZH035)
关键词 史前巫教 中国风水 源流 周公 prehistoric witch religion Chinese Feng Shui original stream Zhou Gong
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