1TISPOL, Enforcing drink and drug driving within Europe. P. 16.https://www.tispol.org/poliey- papers/alcohol- drugs- driving/tispol- alcohol-drugs-driving-policy-doe ument.
2Tay R, (2005), "General and Specific Deterrent Effects of Traffic Enforcement", 39 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 209.
3Transportation Research Board, 2010, Achieving Traffic Safety Goals in the United States: Lessons from Other Nations. P.ld2. Police in UK does not have the general power to stop any vehicle. They only have limited power, based on reasonable suspicion, to breath test drivers. See Sir Peter North, 2010, Re- port of the Review of Drink and Drag Driving Law. P.34.
4Australia Legal Services Commission, 2008, Drink Driving and the Law.
5Transportation Research Board, 2010, Achieving Traffic Safety Goals in the United States: Lessons from Other Nations. P.142.
6Transportation Research Board, 2010, Achieving Traffic Safety Goals in the United States: Lessons from Other Nations. P.144.
7The European Transport Safety Council, 2006, Traffic Law Enforcement across the EU-An Overview. P.15.