目的分析深圳市梧桐山地区天然泉眼山泉水中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质(PAEs)的污染状况,研究其含量变化的规律性和饮用时的健康安全风险。方法 2011年-2014年从梧桐山典型泉眼采集山泉水,用固相萃取富集、气相色谱-质谱法测定山泉水中的PAEs含量,并统计研究其污染特征。结果各山泉水中PAEs污染的极大值为0.162μg/L^34.700μg/L,超标率为11.3%,主要的污染种类是邻苯二甲酸二甲酯、邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯,泉水中PAEs的污染水平及变化程度大于末梢水,冬季污染比春季、夏季要高。结论深圳市梧桐山泉水中PAEs的总体污染水平在国家标准限量的安全范围内,但水平变化较大并易受环境影响而超标,比饮用末梢水的健康安全风险值要高。
Objective To investigate phthalic acid esters( PAEs) pollution in spring water from Shenzhen's Wutong mountain and study the regularity of the change of its content and the health risk of drinking. Methods Typical spring water from Wutong mountain was collected from 2011 to 2014,PAEs pollution levels in the samples were measured with gas chromatography( GC- MS) after solid- phase extraction( SPE) and concentration. The character of pollution was analyzed. Results The maximum value of PAEs in spring water ranges from 0. 162 μg / L to 34. 700 μg / L,with an over standard rate 11. 3%. The major PAEs in spring water were dimethyl phthalate( DMP),disobutyl phthalate( DIBP),dibutyl phthalate( DBP) and di( 2-ethylhexyl) phthalate( DEHP). The levels of PAEs pollution in spring water were higher than those of tap water of drinking water supply system. Additionally,there are higher levels of PAEs pollution during the winter than during the spring and summer.Conclusion The overall levels of PAEs in spring water from Wutong mountain in Shenzhen area in line with domestic standards of China. However,the PAEs levels are easily affected by environmental factors and could exceed the domestic standards,health risk is higher than drinking of tap- water.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Shenzhen's Wutong mountain
Mountain spring water
Phthalic acid esters