
重力剖面和激电测深联合勘测在涡河断裂研究中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Joint Exploration of Gravity Profile and IP Sounding Method to the Study of Guohe River Fault
摘要 为查明涡河断裂的位置、性质等参数,选择重力剖面和激电测深联合勘测方法,对指定区域进行物探勘测工作。结果表明:由密度差异引起的重力异常位置和岩石电阻率、极化率异常位置基本吻合,说明以重力剖面和激电测深为手段的联合勘测是查找断裂的有效方法。 The Guohe River fault originates from Bozhou,Anhui Province,passing through Guoyang to Mengcheng.According to regional geological inspection,this fault has an exclusive anomaly in gravity and magnetic aspect.In the light of being a hidden fault and thick upper crust,there are few investigations about it,and they tend to be more concerned about gravity and magnetic observations,remote sensing,and historical documents.Therefore,deep geophysical inspection is increasingly important to figure out its characteristics.In order to determine the horizontal location and feature of the Guohe River fault,both the gravity profile and IP sounding method are implemented in the research area's geophysical prospecting.The gravity profile is mainly based on the gravity anomaly,generally caused by density differences,which often indicates the existence of faults.It is easily operated,highly efficient,and low cost.In this paper,57 gravity points have been observed to detect the potential gravity anomaly in a relatively bigger area to narrow down the inspected region for the IP sounding method.During research,the gravity profile had a length of 4 500 m,in a northeast direction,crossing over Guohe River to the north,about 13 km away from Mengcheng county.Results show that gravity profile value has a very obvious decline between the 54 th and 55 th observing points with an amplitude of 1.0×10^5 m·s^2,which could be possibly due to the surface elevation difference of 3m.In any case,the values of the gravity profile increase from southwest to northeast,in the same direction of the Guohe River fault.Aside from the non-background gravity anomaly,there possibly exists a geological anomaly 500 m underground which has density differences that result in the gravity anomaly,located between the 49 th and 53 rd observing points,which could be the result of Guohe River fault.on the basis of this conclusion,the IP sounding method,which is based on the resistivity and polarizability change of the rock underground,is applied in this gravity-anomaly area.During the research,the symmetry quadrupole vertical sounding method is utilized,beginning at the 42 nd gravity observing point and continuing for 1 600 mand 14acquisition points.When it comes to data processing,the apparent resisitivity and apparent polarizability are considered to be the main parameters for this method.As for the apparent resistivity profile,there lies a tiny contour lift,about 300~500mdeep.This potentially indicates that the Guohe River fault lies at this location.Similarly,at about the same position underground,the contour shows a relatively high anomaly with apparent polarizability over 1.5%,which normally is the effect of a fault or faults or geological structures that contain water.Furthermore,it appears that the potential hidden fault is a normal fault,which lies almost vertically underground.Overall,both the gravity profile and the induced polarized method clearly detect the geophysical anomaly very close to where the fault lies.These two methods verify each other,both having anomalies that agree with the geophysical characteristics of the Guohe River fault.As a conclusion,joint exploration using both the gravity profile and IP sounding method is an effective approach for inspecting faults to detect the plane position and approximate cover depth underground.
出处 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期634-638,共5页 China Earthquake Engineering Journal
基金 安徽省地震科研基金重点项目(20120601)
关键词 重力异常 激电测深 电阻率 极化率 涡河断裂 gravity anomaly IP sounding electrical resistivity polarizability the Guohe River fault
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