
基于专利信息的老年福祉技术景观分析 被引量:10

The Landscape Analysis of Elderly Gerontechnology Based on Patent Information
摘要 我国正在快速步入老年社会,而老年福祉技术是解决老年社会问题的重要技术基础。针对我国现阶段对福祉技术的研究较少且主要集中于定性研究等问题,从定量的角度,首先明确阐述了福祉技术的定义,然后采用技术景观分析方法,以专利数据为基础,从技术发展总体、技术拥有国家和技术发展内在特征三个方面对福祉技术进行了全景阐释,从而洞察老年福祉技术研发现状,揭示其竞争格局,为我国的老龄化社会发展提供建议与支持。 China is rapidly stepping into an aging society. As an important technical foundation to solve the problems of an aging society, the gerontechnology has seldomly been studied and most of the present ~searches focused on a qualitative analysis. This article studied the gerontechnology from a quantitative perspective, firstly put forward a clear definition of the gerontechnology, and then conducted an over-all landscape analysis on the gerontechnology in three aspects of overall technology development, technology owner country and technology development dintrinsic characteristics based on the patent data, so as to discern the research and development status quo of the gerontechnology, reveal the technical competition pattern, and provide advice and support for the aging society development in China.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期61-67,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"新兴技术未来分析理论方法与产业创新研究"资助(编号:11&ZD140) 首都社会建设与社会管理协同创新中心资助
关键词 福祉技术 技术景观 专利 老龄化社会 gerontechnology the technology landscape patent aging society
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