

The Solidificational Simulation of Nb- Si Based Alloy
摘要 Nb-si基合金具有高熔点、密度适中和优良的室温和高温力学性能,成为镍基高温合金的替代材料.为了研究不同成分合金的组织变化规律,模拟了Nb-Si合金的凝固行为.随着Si所占比例从10%增加到50%的过程中,初生相最开始是Nbss(铌基固溶体),当Si的比例为20%~30%时初生相转变为Nb3Si,当Si含量为50%时初生相转变为Nb5Si3.共晶组织最开始为Nbss+Nb3Si,随着Si比例增加到30%,而转变为Nb5Si3+Nb3Si,Si比例继续增加到50%时,共晶组织为Nb5Si3+NbSi2. As a promising candidate of Ni based high temperature materials, Nb-Si based alloy possesses high melting point, relatively tow density and excellent high temperature strength. The solidificational simulations of Nb-Si based alloy were studied in order to study the microstructure. The primary Nbss was presented firstly when the Si concentration was 10%, and the primary Nb5Si3 was presented when the Si concentration varied from 20% to 30%, and the primary Nb5Si3 was present when the Si concentration was higher than 50%. The eutectic colonies was composed of Nbss and Nb3Si firstly, and the eutectic colonies was composed of Nb5 Si3 and Nb3Si when the Si concentration is 30%, and the eutectic colonies was composed of Nb5Si3and NbSi2 when the Si concentra-tion is higher than 50%.
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2015年第18期47-50,共4页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
基金 陕西省科技厅科研计划项目:粉末冶金法制备Nb-Ti-Cr-Si基超高温合金组织和性能的研究(2015KW-022) 渭南师范学院科研计划项目:秦东工业军民两用Nb-Ti-Cr-Si基超高温合金组织和性能的研究(15YKF001) 渭南师范学院学科建设重大项目:光电检测与秦东工业(14TSXK06)
关键词 Nb-Si基合金 凝固行为 初生相 凝固组织 Nb-Si based alloy solidification behavior primary phase solidificational microstructure
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