

Internal Control under External Pressure: on the Procurement Procedure Reform of UN Systems and Countermeasures of Chinese Enterprises
摘要 随着采购金额和复杂性与日俱增,联合国系统的采购程序遭遇到了不少问题,引发了强大的外部质疑。近年来联合国系统一直致力于在采购权限控制、采购程序的便利性和透明度等方面进行改革,以加强内部控制、提高采购资金的使用效益并增加在发展中国家的采购。我国企业宜抓住这一改革创造的有利机会,提升在联合国采购市场中的份额。 With the increase of procurement volumes and barriers , the procurement procedure of UN system has undergone some problems , which resulted in great external questioning .In recent years , UN has conducted a series of reforms in the aspects of increasing internal control of procurement and enhancing convenience and trans -parency of procurement procedure in order to make the best value of money and extend procurement opportunities to vendors from developing countries .Chinese enterprises shall take this opportunity to enlarge their share of the alluring UN market.
作者 江保国
出处 《政法学刊》 2015年第2期67-73,共7页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 广东省高校优秀青年创新人才培育(育苗工程)项目"珠三角企业参与联合国采购贸易促进平台的建构:以广交会为参照"(WYM10056)
关键词 联合国系统 采购 程序改革 UN System procurement reform
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