The project space of Shandong Comprehensive Utilization of Liquefied Hydrocarbon Project is limited and the MTBE unit is adjacent to the central control room. According to these characteristics,this paper makes an analysis on the leakage accident occurred in the feed pipeline of etherification reactor in the MTBE unit. It applies CASST-QRA software to simulate the range of the destruction of the vapor cloud explosion caused by C4 leakage. Combining with the Baker-strehlow model of PHAST software of Det Norske Vertitas,the paper also makes a quantitative calculation of the shock wave,pulse distribution of plane and elevation of the vapor cloud explosion. It analyzes the impacts of these factors on the central control rooms of the important surrounding buildings. Based on the calculation,the antiknock design strength of the central control rooms are determined. During the engineering design stage,advanced software at home and abroad is applied to make accident simulation. This can not only guide the general layout,but also provide basic data for post-construction drawing design,which is helpful to ensure the intrinsic safety of the new project.
Petrochemical Safety and Environmental Protection Technology