

Social Categorization and the Purpose of Reason From “Chai Jing Event”
摘要 "柴静事件"为社会范畴化提供了即时背景,"柴静事件"的关注者迅速范畴化为"捧柴"与"劈柴"两个群体。随着增强原则和自我范畴化的作用,这两个群体形成了二元对立的态势。两个群体间充满了客观竞争和社会竞争,两类竞争冲淡了最初的主题。雾霾的"全民公敌"角色在"柴静事件"后出现了转变,人们原本的"理性"思考受到了质疑,社会直觉主义模型认为理性只是为人们作出的判断提供合理化的解释。"捧柴"与"劈柴"之间摆事实讲道理的争论不仅很难改变彼此的最初判断,还会积攒对彼此的负性情绪。客观地认识社会范畴化、充分地认识"理性"的目的性,是我们从容面对当今公共问题讨论的认知准备,做好了这些基础准备才能有效地引导讨论,使其向更有建设性的方向发展。 "Chai Jing Event"provides immediate context for the social categorization. The followers were categorized as two groups according to support or opposition. In the effect of accentuation and self-stereotyping,supporters and opponents of Chai Jing formed binary opposite trend. There are full of the objective competition and social competition between these two groups,which weakened the original theme. The "rational "thought has been questioned,for haze's "public enemies"role has changed after "Chai Jing Event". The social intuitionism model suggests that the role of reason is to provide reasonable explanation for people who have already made the judgement. The debate between supporters and opponents of Chai Jing is difficult to change the original judgement of each other,but causes the negative emotions accumulation.Understanding the social categorization and the purpose of the "reason"is our cogniton basis to analysis public issues discussion. Only do these basic preparations can we guide the discussion,and make it develop in a more constructive direction.
作者 王静
出处 《青少年研究与实践》 2015年第3期82-86,共5页 Youth & Children Research and Practice
关键词 柴静事件 社会范畴化 超然目标 社会直觉主义 理性 Chai Jing Event social categorization super-ordinate goals social intuitionism reason
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