
气候冲击、政府能力与中国北方农民起义(公元25—1911年) 被引量:12

Climate Shocks,State Capacity,and Peasant Uprisings in North China during 25-1911CE
摘要 农民起义对于中国的历史进程与王朝周期都有重要影响,但目前对于农民起义的定量研究还比较缺乏。本文首次构建了一个涵盖中国北方的王朝面板数据集,以王朝为横截面,时间跨度为公元25—1911年。研究结果表明,严重饥荒及王朝年龄都与农民起义显著正相关;而作为政府能力的代理变量,政府救灾能有效地降低农民起义的概率。负向气候冲击(比如严重旱灾、蝗灾)主要通过严重饥荒这个渠道影响农民起义。人口密度、气温及其他气候变量(比如水灾、黄河决堤、雪灾与霜冻灾害)的作用不显著或不稳健。 Peasant uprisings have had important impacts on China's historical process and dynastic cycles, but quantitative studies of peasant uprisings are still rare. Using a unique dynastic panel dataset for north China during 25-1911 CE, this study finds that severe famines and dynastic age were positively correlated with peasant uprisings, whereas government disaster relief as a proxy for state capacity played a significant mitigating role. Negative climate shocks (e. g. , severe drought, locust plagues) affected peasant uprisings primarily through the channel of severe famines. The effects of population density, temperature, and other climate shocks (e. g. , flood, levee breaches, snow disasters, and frost) were insignificant or not robust.
作者 陈强
出处 《经济学(季刊)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期1347-1374,共28页 China Economic Quarterly
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71473149) 山东大学自主创新基金(IFW09135) 山东大学人文社科重大研究项目(12RWZD12)的资助
关键词 农民起义 气候冲击 政府能力 peasant uprising, climate shock, state capacity
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