
美国政府社交媒体保管政策分析及其启示 被引量:14

Analysis of Policies of Social Media Preservation of the U.S. Government and Its Implications
摘要 社交媒体已经成为美国的联邦政府与州政府履行职能和开展业务的重要工具,由此形成了大量具有证据和历史价值的记录,有着归档保管的需求。美国文件与档案署(NARA)和各州的档案、图书馆、信息技术等部门制定了社交媒体保管的政策,以指导政府机构的社交媒体保管工作。文章对这些政策做了简要梳理,并对代表性的政策进行具体介绍。依据对这些政策分析,对我国的社交媒体保管政策提出开放应对新技术、关注政策的价值、开展实践调研以及循序渐进制定政策的启示性建议。 Social media has become a significant tool for the United States federal and state governments to perform functions and develop business, which results in numerous records of evidential and historical value with archival requirements. As a result, NARA and state archival, library, and information technology department develop the policy of social media preservation, to guide the management of social media of government agencies. This paper makes a brief overall introduction of related policies, and focu- ses on the typical policies. Finally, based on the analysis of the American policies, the paper proposes that it is supposed to be open to the new technology, pay attention to the value of the policy, carry out the practice research and develop policy gradually and orderly in China.
作者 周文泓
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期134-139,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家社会科学重大项目"国家数字档案资源整合与服务机制研究"(项目编号:13&ZD184) 中国人民大学2014年度拔尖创新人才培育资助计划的研究成果
关键词 美国 社交媒体 政策 USA social media policy
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