
基于多维宏观量化方法的湿温证清热化湿方组方规律初探 被引量:2

Research on Composing Principle of Damp-Warm Disease Representatives Prescriptions Based on Method of Multi-Dimensional Macroscopic Quantification of Nature and Flavor of Formula
摘要 采用量化计算对湿温证代表方药四气五味作用度比例,细化方证的湿温轻重、病变部位和证候虚实。运用数学方法设定四气五味计分,并将中药实际计量转化为标准化相对剂量并对两者进行加权运算,得到四气五味作用度。共得出:(1)9个方剂的四气作用度比例(偏寒性作用度/偏热性作用度),如藿朴夏苓汤:34.43%/65.57%;(2)9个方剂的五味作用度量化(按酸、苦、甘、辛、咸、淡、涩顺序),如藿朴夏苓汤:0、29.88%、14.37%、33.26%、0、22.48%、0。文中以单味中药的性味作为衡量药效的标准,能准确、客观的反映所选方药的寒凉药物和温热药物的作用比例,(1)按偏温热性到偏寒凉性排序前三位的是:雷氏芳香化浊法、藿朴夏苓汤和宣清导浊汤。温热燥湿,寒凉清热,所以偏温热方药适宜湿温证中湿性症状较重的情况,偏寒凉方药适宜热性症状较重的情况。(2)所选方药五味均以苦、甘、辛为主。(3)所选方药辛味所占比例前三位的是:雷氏宣透膜原法、雷氏芳香化浊法和宣清导浊汤;按苦味所占比例前三位的是:达原饮、雷氏芳香化浊法和王氏连朴饮;按甘、淡味所占比例前三位的是:宣清导浊汤、三仁汤和白虎加苍术汤。由于上焦芳化,中焦苦燥,下焦淡渗,因而辛味占比大者宜用于上焦湿温,苦味大者用于中焦湿温,甘淡味占比大者用于下焦湿温。 To quantify the nature and flavor of damp - warm disease representatives prescriptions so as to refine indications which include the extent of the disease, the lesion location and the disease resistance (deficiency or empirical). Methods:The index of nature and flavor of formula was set, then the dosages of the traditional Chinese medicine was standardized (i. e. calculate the relative dosage) ;the potency of nature and flavor of formula was calculated, after processing the relative dosage weighted by index of nature and flavor of formula. ( 1 ) Nine quantification of nature were confirmed. ( Ex : Huopu Xialing decoction : the cold - biased potency of nature was 34.43% , heat - biased potency of nature was 65.57% ). ( 2 ) Nine quantification of fla- vor were confirmed ( Ex: Huopu Xialing decoction: sour O, bitterness 29.88% , sugariness 14.37% , acridity 33.26% , salty 0,lights 22.48% , astringency 0). ( 1 ) The first three representatives prescriptions which are partial to heat are Leishi Fangxiang Huazhuo decoction, Huopu Xialing decoction and Xuanqing Daozhuo de- coction. As we all know ,we use the prescriptions which are partial to heat to treat the patient who has serious damp evil and use the prescriptions which are partial to cold to treat the patient who has serious pathogenic heat. (2)The representatives prescriptions' main flavors are bitterness, sugariness and acridity. (3)The first three representatives prescriptions whose main flavor is acridity are Leishi Xuantou Moyuan decoction, Leishi Fangxiang Huazhuo decoction and Xuanqing Daozhuo decoction;The first three representatives prescriptions whose main flavor is bitterness are Da Yuan decoction, Leishi Fangxiang Huazhuo decoction and Wangshi Li- anpu decoction;The first three representatives prescriptions whose main flavor are sugariness and lights are Xuanqing Daozhuo decoction, Sanren decoction and Baihu plus Cangzhu decoction. As we all know, the pre- scriptions whose main flavor is acridity is used to treat the patients whose lesion location is the upper energi- zer;the prescriptions whose main flavor is bitterness is used to treat the patients whose lesion location is the the middle energizer;the prescriptions whose main flavor are sugariness and lights is used to treat the patient whose lesion location is the lower energizer.
出处 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2015年第6期751-757,共7页 World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 量化 四气五味 湿温 Quantification Nature and flavor of formula Damp - warm disease
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