[目的]通过热分析手段来研究烟草的热解动力学行为。[方法]利用C80微量量热仪研究了等容条件下典型烤烟烟叶热分解性能的影响,并对此进行了分析,确立了其热解动力学模型。[结果]研究表明,SY-1热分解过程分为3个比较明显的放热峰,均位于100-275℃,果胶和半纤维素热解所产生的热量在整个热解过程中处于主导地位;随着升温速率的增加,SY-1的初始分解温度、3个峰的峰值温度增大;从0.2到0.8 K/s的升温速率范围内,SY-1的热解反应动力学机理保持不变,热解动力学模型可用文中所述方程式表示。[结论]研究烟叶的热解特性对于进一步探讨烟支的燃烧特性、改善卷烟产品的燃吸品质具有重要的意义。
[Objective] The kinetic behavior of the pyrolysis of tobacco is studied by means of thermal analysis.[Method]The combustion behavior of tobacco plants is affected by the thermal kinetics of tobacco plants. The assessment of combustion behavior of tobacco plants is based on the research on the thermal performance of tobacco plants,resulting in reducing toxic substances and the tar and harmful components. C80 was applied in this paper to study the thermal performance of typical plants,and then the kinetics data was calculated by using Thermal Analysis Method. The analysis of thermodynamic parameters( such as heat released,onset temperature,etc) and kinetic parameters( such as activation energy) of that were showed.[Conclusion]The study of the pyrolysis characteristics of tobacco leaves is of great significance for the further study of the combustion characteristics and the improvement of the quality of cigarette smoking.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences