
我国职业体育管办分离的逻辑源起与实践之道——基于政府行为外部性的展开 被引量:6

On the Road to the Separation of Jurisdiction and Management Reform for Chinese Professional Sports——Under the Perspective of Functional Externalities of Government
摘要 作为关联甚广的改革举措,体育领域管办分离首先在职业体育中试点,意义重大。跳出单纯政府职能改革的研究视角,在政府行为外部性研究架构内,探解我国职业体育管办分离问题,指出政府行为外部性是当前我国职业体育现存的关键问题,提出化解政府行为外部性是我国职业体育管办分离的核心所在。遵循政府行为外部性消解理念,我国职业体育管办分离需以法治、民主、分权为核心的制度建设为抓手,树立市场主体地位,依赖第三方利益集团的强势介入,在强制性制度变迁与诱导性制度变迁并存的路径上推行。 As reform initiatives being widely implemented, it is of great significance for sports field to undergo the separation of jurisdiction and management in professional sports. Under the guidance of research framework of external functions of gov- ernment, the article unveils the separation of jurisdiction and management in professional sports. It is pointed out that the government externalities are of key issue of current professional sports, and it is also the core of the separation cited by resolving the outside entity of government. Following this conception, this type of separation shall be established on law, democracy and power sharing. The dominance of marketed shall be reinforced and the strong involvement of third - party interest groups shall be strengthened. Meanwhile, the work shall be carried out through the combination of institutional change of the mandatory and inductive methods.
作者 张兵
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期513-520,533,共9页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BTY033)
关键词 职业体育 管办分离 政府行为 外部性 professional sports separation of holding and managing government action externalities
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