
以口腔损害为HIV/AIDS首诊症状24例分析 被引量:1

Analysis of 24 cases of HIV/AIDS with oral lesion as the reason for the first clinical visit
摘要 目的:分析艾滋病患者的口腔损害特征,加强口腔医生对于艾滋病相关口腔病损的认识,提高早期识别和诊断的准确性。方法:收集2012-2014年就诊于中南大学湘雅二医院口腔科,首诊症状表现为口腔损害的24例HIV/AIDS患者,分析其临床特征。结果:24例患者中16例口腔念珠菌病,10例单纯疱疹性口炎,4例复发性阿弗他溃疡,5例口干症,4例口腔毛状白斑,3例卡波济肉瘤,1例颌面部淋巴结炎和1例艾滋病相关性牙周炎,部分患者有两项或两项以上的口腔表征。结论:口腔念珠菌病、单纯疱疹性口炎是该组病例中最常见的口腔损害。 Objective: To investigate the oral features of patients with HIV/AIDS, reinforce the clinical dentists' knowledge of HIV / AIDS related oral lesions, and improve the earlier recognition and accurate diagnosis of HIV / AIDS. Method:All patients attending Department of Stomatology of The Second Xiangya Hospital between Year 2012 and 2014 with oral lesions as the reason of clinical visit and diagnosed as HIV / AIDS were analysed. A total of 24 cases were includ- ed. A cross-sectional study was conducted between them. Result: Among the total of 24 HIV / AIDS patient included in the study, there were 16 oral candidiasis, 4 aphtha ulcer, 10 herpetic stomatitis, 5 xerostomia, 4 oral hairy leukoplakia and 3 Kaposi's sarcoma, 1 HIV related periodontitis and 1 lymphadentits. Some patients have 2 or more symptoms. Conclusion: Oral candidiasis, herpetic stomatitis are the most common oral lesion among this group of patients.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2015年第9期546-548,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 口腔损害 人类免疫缺陷病毒 口腔念珠菌病 单纯疱疹性口炎 oral lesion: human immunodeficiency virus oral Candidiasis:herpetic stomatitis
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