
职业成功的资本论:构建个体层面职业成功影响因素的综合模型 被引量:19

Career Success Capitalism: Construct a Comprehensive Model of Factors Affecting Career Success at the Individual Level
摘要 本文依据职能职业生涯理论,在文献分析及焦点小组访谈的基础上,提出了一个有中介和调节作用的个体层面职业成功影响因素的综合模型,即人力资本、社会资本和心理资本是预测个体职业成功的三大类变量,其中心理资本是最基础的变量,它通过影响个体人力资本和社会资本的获得,进而影响职业成功。职业生涯阶段和职业类型是人力资本和社会资本影响职业成功的调节变量。在职业生涯早期阶段,个体的人力资本对职业成功的预测力更强,在职业生涯的中期阶段,社会资本具有更强的预测力;对于管理型的职业来讲,社会资本更有助于职业成功,而对技术型的职业来讲,人力资本更具有预测作用。 Based on the functional career theory, using literature review and focus group interview, this paper aims to promote a comprehensive model of influence factors of career success at the individual level. The model contained mediating and moderating roles. In this model, relationships of the relative factors were discussed, such that human capital, social capital and psychological capital were three main predictors of individual career success; it was the psychological capital that impact career success by affecting human capital and social capital played the most basic role. Career stage and professional type were the potential moderators of the relationship of human capital and social capital to career success. Specifically, at the early stage of a career, the impact of human capital on career success was stronger, while at the middle stage of a career, social capital played a stronger role. As for the managerial professions, social capital was more positively related to career success. As for the technical professions, human capital was the better predictor.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2015年第17期38-45,共8页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"新职业生涯时代组织职业生涯管理的结构及其作用机制研究"(14BG1072) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"无边界职业生涯时代职业探索期员工的职业胜任力结构及其作用机制研究"(15XNH059) 中国人民大学明德品牌项目(10XN1036)资助
关键词 职业成功 人力资本 社会资本 心理资本 Career Success Human Capital Social Capital Psychological Capital
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