

The Development Direction Based on Theory of the Mangle of Practice
摘要 近几十年来,大科学所取得的成就是辉煌的,但与此同时,大科学也因为规模越来越大所导致经费不可持续等难题,而面临困境。究其深层原因,乃是由于大科学一味地依赖物质力量而忽视人类力量所导致。皮克林的冲撞理论为大科学的未来发展指明了方向。 In recent years, the achievement of big science is brilliant, but at the same time, big science is facing difficulties because of its increasingly large scale which caused problems such as unsustainable budget. The underlying reason is that big science relies on material agency and ignores human agency. Pickering's theory of the mangle of practice points out the direction for the development of big science in the future.
作者 王英 赵煦
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第18期189-192,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"马克思主义科学社会学思想及其当代意义"(11BKS008)
关键词 大科学 冲撞 物质力量 人类力量 big science mangle material agency human agency
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