
1%聚桂醇注射液在腱鞘囊肿治疗中的应用 被引量:5

Application of 1% Lauromacrogol Injection in the Treatment of Ganglion Cyst
摘要 目的:探讨1%聚桂醇注射液微创治疗腱鞘囊肿的临床疗效。方法:选取2013年6月-2014年6月临床治疗的33例不同部位腱鞘囊肿患者,男10例,女23例,年龄22~77岁,囊肿大小1.0 cm×(0.5~1.0) cm×3.0 cm。应用1%聚桂醇注射液行局部穿刺注射硬化治疗,根据患者的年龄、囊肿大小决定用药剂量、浓度和注射次数,单人1次最大剂量不超过10 ml,两次注射间隔为4周。结果:腱鞘囊肿均行一次治疗,随访3~12个月,全部治愈,未发生局部红肿疼痛、皮肤坏死、皮下硬结、遗留瘢痕以及影响局部功能等并发症。结论:1%聚桂醇注射液硬化治疗腱鞘囊肿,作为一种新的非手术微创治疗方法,安全有效,患者无痛苦及瘢痕,值得推广。 Objective:To approach the clinical effect of 1% Lauromacrogol Injection for the treatment of ganglion cyst.Method:From June 2013 to June 20l4,33 patients(10 male,23 female,22 years to 77 years) with different locations of ganglion cysts were treated by aspiration and 1%Lauromacrogol Injection intracystic injection.The ganglion cysts were about 1.0 cm×(0.5-1.0)cm×3.0 cm in size.The injection dose,concentration and frequency were determined by the age of the patients and the size of ganglion cysts.The maximal dose for singly injection was 10mg for one patient.The injection interval was 4 weeks.Result:After followed up for 3-12 months,all patients were cured by singly injection without any complications such as red swelling,pain,skin necrosis,subcutaneous induration,scar formation and joint dysfunction.Conclusion:As a new minimally invasive surgical procedure,using 1% Lauromacrogol Injection to treat ganglion cyst is safe and effective.The patients have few pain and scar,and it worths promoting.
出处 《中外医学研究》 2015年第26期132-133,共2页 CHINESE AND FOREIGN MEDICAL RESEARCH
关键词 聚桂醇 腱鞘囊肿 微创手术 Lauromacrogol Ganglion cysts Minimally Invasive surgical procedures
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