

Russia and America's Adjustment of East Asia Geopolitical Strategy and Their Comparison
摘要 随着东亚地缘战略地位的不断提升及日渐突显,俄美两国纷纷调整国家战略的关注点和地缘战略的着力点,从地缘政治、地缘经济、地缘安全等多个方面不断出击,凭借着长期的、相对的地缘优势条件,持续向东亚地区实施"倾斜性"的战略投入。这表现为俄罗斯远东地区开发带动的地缘战略调整,以及美国的"战略东移"和"亚太再平衡"战略的正式出台及加快落实。俄美两国对东亚地缘战略的调整动机及实施过程多有不同,其加大力度不断介入该地区事务的一个战略后果是,使原本就矛盾交织、利益复杂、格局纠结的东亚地缘形势变得更加微妙,也为域内国家地缘战略的再调整提供了新的背景和回旋空间。 With the geopolitical position of East Asia rising, Russia and US have both adjusted their focus of attention in national and geopolitical strategies. With long-term relative advantages, Russia and United States take comprehensive actions in goe-politics, geo-eeonomics and geo-security. They both implement "preferential" policies in strategic investment in East Asia, which are embodied by the adjustment of geopolitical strategy driven by Far East development in Russia and the formulation of the "eastward movement" and "Asia-pacific Re-balance" in US. The motivations and processes of both countries' strategic adjustments are different. The consequence of their increasing involvement is the greater subtlety of geopolitics in this area which has always been confronted with intertwined problems and interests; moreover, it provides the countries in this area with new maneuvering room in re-adjusting geopolitical strategies.
作者 郭锐
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期32-40,共9页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目"东亚地缘格局变迁与中国的地缘战略选择"(项目编号:第48批) 吉林大学繁荣发展哲学社会科学行动计划(2011-2020)青年学术骨干支持计划项目"东亚安全风险管理与中国的区域安全战略"(项目编号:2012FRGG15)
关键词 俄美两国 东亚地缘战略 远东开发战略 亚太再平衡 战略评估 Russia and US the geopolicital strategy of East Asia the strategy driven by Far East development the strategy of "Asia-pacific to balance" strategy evaluation
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