
城市群应急资源协调调配的超网络模型 被引量:3

Supernetwork Model of Urban Agglomeration Coordination for Emergency Resources Allocation
摘要 针对灾害事件跨城域、单个城市应急能力有限等情形,提出了城市群协调应急的超网络结构;通过分析应急优化目标和对受灾点实施资源救助的最优决策行为,构建了城市群资源协调调配的超网络模型,并将其转化成等价变分不等式互补形式进行数值求解;分别设计各城市独自应急和城市群协调应急算例,说明各应急主体间连接的脆弱性和应急能力上限、各受灾点脆弱性、以及城市间协调成本等关键参数对资源调配方案选择的重要影响. A structure of supernetwork for urban agglomeration coordination is presented in consideration of multi-regional disasters and limited capability of a single city. By analyzing the optimal emergency objective and the assistance behavior, the supernetwork model of urban agglomeration coordination for resources allocation is established, which is then transformed into the complementary problem of an equivalent variational inequality for computational solution. By performing numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis, it is demonstrated that some parameters, e.g., the vulnerability and capability limitation of assistance connections, the vulnerability of disaster-affected areas, and the coordination cost, have important influence on emergency decision-makings.
作者 朱莉 杜雅清
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2015年第16期27-37,共11页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金(71101073) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目 南京信息工程大学2013年度大学生实践创新训练计划项目(201310300026) 南京信息工程大学本科生优秀毕业论文(设计)支持计划项目
关键词 应急 超网络 城市群 协调 变分不等式 emergency supernetwork urban agglomeration coordination variational in-equality
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