在反法西斯战争时期,桂林作为著名抗战文化城,发挥了重要作用,在国内外影响很大,以至于学术界有人提出"北有延安,南有桂林"的看法。桂林在抗战时期对中国和世界历史产生重大影响的方面包括:形成了汇集2 000多位中外反法西斯进步文化人士的抗战文化城;形成了当时国统区最活跃的抗日民主文化宣传中心;形成了国统区中民主气氛最浓厚、国共合作和抗日民族统一战线最成功的省会城市;出现了国统区绝无仅有的抗战岩洞教育;创办了国统区仅见的儿童教养院;在国统区中首创培养和训练学生军;建立了中国第一个民主党派中国民主政团同盟;由桂籍人士率领的中国军队在抗日战场上发挥了重要作用。桂林在抗战时期之所以占据重要地位,原因是多方面的。
During the national Anti-Japanese War and the world Anti-Fascist War, Guilin was a cultural city and played a key role so that people used to say "the North has Yan'an, the South Guilin" in the academic circle. Guilin exerted great influence in the history of China and the world in the wartime. For example, it became a world-renown cultural city of anti-Japanese and anti-Fascist War, gathering more than 2000 Chinese and foreign anti-Fascist people of advanced culture. Also, it was the publicity center of anti-Japanese democratic culture in the most developed Kuomintang-controlling areas. In the areas, it had the only cave culture education, the only house of children's correction, and became the capital with the most democratic atmosphere, the most successful cooperation and national united front in the War. Besides, it was the first to cultivate and train the army from students, and the first China Democratic Political League of Democratic Party was built here. Chinese army led by Guilin commanders played an important role in the anti-Japanese War. In all, Guilin had good reasons to exert great influence in the War.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
cultural city of Guilin
anti-Japanese War
farmers and workers
cooperation betweenKuomintang and Communist Party of China
cultural city in the War
historical role