

Nocturnal Activity Time Budgets of Male Pygmy Slow Loris(Nycticebus pygmaeus)in Captivity
摘要 倭蜂猴为夜行性灵长类、国家一级保护动物,但其夜间活动规律尚未见报道。以连续记录法对5只笼养雄性倭蜂猴夜间活动时间分配进行了研究。为减少人为干扰,采用监控摄像记录动物夜间的活动,时间为每日19:00至次日7:00。结果显示:在夜间的12h中,倭蜂猴用于休息的时间最多,达(5.85±0.25)h,其次是移动((4.17±0.16)h)、摄食((0.94±0.10)h)和其他行为((0.45±0.04)h),用于理毛的时间最少((0.40±0.02)h);不同倭蜂猴个体间除理毛以外,休息、移动、摄食和其他行为所消耗的时间均存在显著差异(p<0.05);各研究对象摄食行为主要集中在每日19:00至21:00;移动行为则主要集中于3:00至4:00之间。倭蜂猴每天的夜间活动中,前2h为摄食高峰,这与大多数昼行性灵长类动物白日活动开始先摄食后进行其他活动的节律是一致的。 As a nocturnal primate, and one of the first class national protected animals in China, Pygmy slow loriss characteristicsof activities at night have not been reported. We studied the time distribution of night time activity based on continuous recording of5 caged male pygmy lorises. In order to reduce human disturbance, the animals were recorded with surveillance cameras at night,from 19 : 00 to 7 :00 every day. The results showed that Pygmy lorises spent the largest part of night time, about 5. 85±0.25 h, forresting, and 4.17±0.16 h for locomotion, 0.94±0.10 h for feeding, 0.45±0.04 h for other behaviors. The least part of time wasspent for grooming, about 0.40±0.02 h. There were significant differences in time spent for resting, locomotion, feeding and otherbehaviors except grooming among the five pygmy slow lorises. Major feeding activity occured between 19:00 and 21:00. A peak forlocomotion was presented between 3:00 and 4: 00. Feeding peaks took place in the first 2 hours of the active part of the day forpygmy slow lorises, and this is consistent with most of the diurnal primates, which usually start their day by a period of feedingtime, and then turn to other activities.
出处 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期38-42,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.31060091)
关键词 倭蜂猴 夜间活动 时间分配 pygmy slow loris nocturnal activity time budget
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