
行政与立法关系视角下的马英九执政困境分析 被引量:4

An Analysis of the Predicament of the Ma Ying-jeou Administration from the Perspective of the Relationship between the Executive and Legislative Branches
摘要 与陈水扁执政时期的"分立政府"不同,2008年以来国民党因掌握行政权并在"立法院"席次过半形成"一致政府",为马英九创造了相对有利的执政条件。然而,台湾政治极化加剧,制度上的"双重民主合法性"问题,周期性选举以及岛内社会对公权力信任度下降,干扰到行政与立法关系的有效运作并影响马英九当局施政,产生与"一致政府"传统假设不同的结果。本文认为,从行政与立法关系视角分析马英九执政困境,以及其背后的制度、权力和社会因素,有助于深化对当前和今后台湾政党政治的理解。 Unlike the "divided government" during Chen Shui-bian administration, Taiwan's ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) has held more than half the seats in Legislative Yuan since 2008, which develops "unified government" and creates relatively favorable conditions for Ma Ying-jeou to formulate and execute policies. However, the intensity of the Taiwan's political polarization, the system of dual democratic legitimacy, the periodic elections coupled with the decrease of the trust of the island's community on public power have interfered the effective functioning of the relationship between the executive and legislature, and at the same time produced an influence on Ma Ying-jeou administration's poliey, thus leading to different outcomes of traditional assumption of "unified government" theory. Therefore, the writer believes that it will help deepen our understanding of party politics in Taiwan at present and in the future by analyzing Ma's predicament and institutional, power and social factors behind it from the perspective of the relationship between the executive and legislative branches.
作者 汪曙申
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期11-18,共8页 Taiwan Research Journal
基金 国家留学基金资助(201307820013)
关键词 马英九当局 “一致政府” 行政与立法关系 Ma Ying-jeou administration, "unified government", the relationship between the executive and legislative branches
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