
员工-组织匹配对建言行为影响机制的实证研究 被引量:9

An Empirical Study of the Influencing Mechanism of Person-Organization Fitover Voice Behavior
摘要 建言行为是组织创新与变革能力的载体。本文探索性地引入员工-组织匹配(P-O fit)并研究其对建言行为的影响机制,通过多个行业的283套配对样本,采用多层回归的实证分析,证实了P-O fit不仅对促进型建言具有积极影响而且对抑制型建言同样具有积极影响;组织认同不仅在P-O fit与促进型建言之间起到部分中介作用,而且在P-O fit与抑制型建言之间起到完全中介作用;权威领导在组织认同与抑制型建言之间起到负向调节作用,低权威领导情境能够加强组织认同对抑制型建言的积极影响,高权威领导情境可能改变组织认同对抑制型建言的作用方向;与低工作绩效相比,高工作绩效能够加强P-O fit对促进型建言的积极影响。研究结论表明组织可以在招聘、任命和晋升等重要人力资源决策中使用P-O fit作为首要识别标准促进建言行为。 Voicing constructive ideas for solving work-related problems or about existing failures in the work process by employees playa crucial role in formulating organizational creativity and adaptability. However, voice behavior may bring about negative consequences to voicers as it challenges the status quo. What can contribute to the increase or decrease of the amount of voice behavior? Contextual, leadership and individual factors have been identified as the main factors that affect employees' voice behavior. The current research primarily focuses on the independent effect of individual character and contextual factors. In fact, individuals' attitudes and behaviors will be influenced by the degree of congruence between individuals and organizations based on the fit theory. Many literatures have found that P-O fit is related to organizational citizenship behavior. However, the relationship between P-O fit and voice behavior is fully understood. In this study, we try to explore the mechanisms as to how P-O fit impacts voice behavior.The model is illustratedby Figure 1. This study proposesnine research hypotheses on the relationship between P-O fit and voice behavior based on reviewing theories on voice behavior, P-O fit, organizational identification, authoritarian leadership, and job performance. Hypotheses are tested through the sample including employees and their direct supervisors from 28 organizations drawn from a variety of industries, including manufacturing, information technology, retails and services, and financial products and services, in China. Finally, we have 283 valid subordinate-supervisor dyads for analysis. All scales in this study have been used by other researchers in published papers. We translated the original questionsinto Chinese and then back into English to test their content validity. Responses are made on a 5-point Likert-scale(1 =strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree). Multiple linear regression is used to analyze the data, and the results show that: (1) P-O fit has positive effect on promotive voice and prohibitive voice. (2) Organizational identification mediates the relationship between P-O fit and voice behavior; in particular, organizational identification partly mediates the relationship between P-O fit and promotive voice, but fully mediates the relationship between P-O fit and prohibitive voice. (3) Authoritarian leadership negatively moderates the positive relationship between organizational identification and prohibitive voice. In addition, the relationship is positively correlated with low authoritarian leadership, and the relationship is negatively correlated with high authoritarian leadership. (4) Job performance positively moderates the positive relationship between P-O fit and promtotive voice. In addition, the relationship is more strongly positive with high job performance. This paper makes several contributions to voice behavior research. From a theoretical standpoint, we develop a conceptual framework that integrates P-O fit and voice behavior, and explore the mechanism about how P-O fit affectS voice behavior empirically. From a practical standpoint, organizations can use P-O fit as the prime standard in important human resource policies, such as selecting, appointing, and promoting employees in order toinerease the amount of voice behavior.
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期51-61,共11页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70672052) 国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目(10BGL002)
关键词 员工-组织匹配 组织认同 工作绩效 促进型建言 抑制型建言 person-organization tit organizational identification job performance promotive voice prohibitive voice
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