
基于CNKI的装备采购高被引文献特征分析 被引量:6

Bibliometric Analysis on High-cited Papers about Equipment Procurement Cited by CNKI
摘要 目的:分析我国装备采购高被引文献的计量特征。方法:检索中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)中1979—2014年的装备采购文献,参照普赖斯定律确定高被引文献,用Excel 2010统计分析被引、年份、期刊、作者、单位、关键词、基金。结果:检出装备采购高被引文献216篇,分别被引5-37次,累计被引1913次,篇均被引8.86次;文献数自1998年开始增至2005年达峰值27篇后缓慢下降,分布在97种期刊和4所高校,《实验技术与管理》和《实验室研究与探索》稳居文献数、总被引频次、篇均被引频次前2位;文献作者共349人、署名394次,每篇1-6位,篇均1.82位,总合作率51.85%,最多署名3次;作者机构162个,其中院校占66.05%,43个核心发文机构中院校占88.37%,温州大学以6篇居署名文献数、折合文献数首位;关键词507个、897次,"采购""仪器设备""设备采购""医疗设备""招标采购"使用频次居前5位;13篇文献获基金16项次,其中省级以下基金占50.00%。结论:装备采购仍是值得关注的热点领域,其高被引文献呈现以《实验技术与管理》和《实验室研究与探索》为权威期刊、以院校为核心发文机构、以医疗和实验装备采购为主要研究对象、以省部级以下项目为主要资助基金的特征,但权威作者、核心团队和代表机构尚未形成,关键词使用不够规范,资助资金偏少,每年新增文献数呈整体下降趋势。 Objective: To analyze the bibliometric characteristics of the highly cited Papers about the equipment procurement in China. Methods: To retrieve the papers about the equipment procurement collected in CNKI database in the period of 1979—2014, determine the highly cited papers with Price law, and carry out the statistical analysis on the citation, years,journals,authors,institutions,keywords and funds by using Excel 2007. Results: 216 highly cited papers about equipment procurement were retrieved out,they were respectively cited 5 -37 times and cumulatively cited 1 913 times,and each paper was cited 8.86 times on average; the number of papers was increased year by year since 1998 and reached the peak of 27 in 2005,and then dropped slowly; the papers were distributed in 97 journals and 4 universities,among which,the journals of " Experimental Technology and Management( ETM) " and " Research and Exploration in Laboratory( REL) " firmly ranks the top two in the total number of papers published, total citation frequency and average cited frequency per paper; these papers were written by 349 authors and signed 394 person-times with 1.82 authors per paper on average, the total coauthoring rate was 51.85%, The authors were from 162 institutions among which the colleges and universities accounted for 66.05%,and among 43 core paper publishing institutions the colleges and universities accounted for 88.37%, and Wenzhou University was at the top of the lists of the number of signed papers and the number of reduced papers with 6 papers; 507 keywords were used for 897 times,and the use frequency of the keywords of" purchase"" instrument and equipment"" equipment procurement"" medical equipment" and" bidding and purchasing" was ranked in the top 5; 13 papers were supported by 16 funds, in which under-provincial funds accounted for 50.00%. Conclusions: The equipment procurement was still the hot areas of concern, its highly cited papers showed that ETM and REL were regarded as authoritative journals,the colleges and universities as the core institutions of paper publishing, the experimental and medical equipment procurement as the main research subject,the under-provincial funds as the main supporting funds,however,the authoritative authors, core teams and representative agencies had not yet formed, the use of keywords lacked adequate standardization, the number of funded studies was less, and the number of newly published papers per year appeared a decreasing trend as a whole.
机构地区 广州中医药大学
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2015年第16期111-114,共4页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 装备采购 CNKI 高被引文献 文献计量学分析 equipment procurement CNKI highly cited papers bibliometric analysis
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