目的探讨山茱萸多糖对血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)大鼠的治疗作用。方法在2014年3—12月,将30只大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组、山茱萸多糖组,每组10只,山茱萸多糖组按0.28 g/kg剂量给予灌胃,1次/d,持续28 d。制作大鼠VD模型,通过Morris水迷宫实验以及海马、皮层病理学切片,观察山茱萸多糖对VD大鼠的影响。计量资料采用t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果 Morris水迷宫测试结果显示,模型组大鼠逃避潜伏期时间与假手术组相比明显延长[(98.36±9.35)、(90.35±9.98)、(70.56±7.86)、(67.75±8.97)s与(78.65±9.82)、(67.53±7.85)、(58.32±8.65)、(45.31±9.32)s],平台象限路径百分比与平台象限停留时间明显缩短[(26.15±2.1)%、(11.65±4.32)s与(57.36±3.5)%、(23.45±6.54)s],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);山茱萸多糖干预作用后,大鼠逃避潜伏期时间与模型组相比明显缩短,平台象限路径百分比与平台象限停留时间明显延长[(83.37±5.35)、(71.46±3.89)、(60.35±7.66)、(47.35±6.58)s、(48.35±3.4)%、(21.98±6.78)s],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。病理切片发现山茱萸多糖明显减轻VD大鼠皮层及海马的病理变化。结论山茱萸多糖对VD大鼠有一定治疗作用。
Objective To discuss whether the comus officinalis polysaccharide have the therapeutic effect on the vascular de- mentia (VD).Methods 30 rats were devided into three groups from March to December 2014,normal group(n=10),model group (n=10),comus officinalis polysaccharide group(n=10,treated 0.28 g/kg,1 time/d).They were treated 28 days.The VD rat model was established to observe the effect d the comus officinalis polysaccharide on the VD through the Morris water maze and pathology of rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus.Measurement data were compared by t test, and the P〈0.05 were significant differences.Results The Morris water maze test showed that the latency of escape among model group were significantly higher than the normal greup[(98.36± 9.35),(90.35 ± 9.98),(70.56± 7.86),(67.75 ± 8.97)s and (78.65 ± 9.82),(67.53 ± 7.85),(58.32 ± 8.65), (45.31 ± 9.32)s],the time spent in target quadrant and the percentage of the distance[(26.15 ± 2.1)%,(11.65 ± 4.32)s and (57.36 ±3.5)%,(23.45 ± 6.54)s] were significantly lower (all P〈0.05).After the comus officinalis polysaccharide treated rats,the latency of escape were significantly lower,the time spent in target quadrant and the percentage of the distance were significantly higher than the modal group [(83.37± 5.35),(71.46 ± 3.89),(60.35 ± 7.66),(47.35 ±6.58)s,(48.35 ± 3.4)%,(21.98 ±6.78)s](all P〈0.05).The cor- nus officinalis polysaccharide reduced obviously the pathological change in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of VD rats.Con- clusion The comus officinalis polysaccharide has the treating effect on VD rats.
Journal Of Community Medicine
Comus officinalis polysaccharide
Vaseular dementia
Learning and memory