本文主要介绍了台湾永宏PLC在七轴往复喷镀机上的应用;系统采用的永宏FBs-MCT系列高功能型PLC,单机可带4轴200k Hz高速脉冲输出,1-4轴任意直线插补;利用永宏特色高速联机,主从PLC间可达920k Hz高速互联;搭配永宏HU系列触摸屏,实现高效简单操控。
This article mainly introduces the application of FATEK PLC in Seven-axis spraying machine; Systems used in FATEK FBs-MCT series high-function PLC, with single 4-axis 200kHz high-speed pulse output, 1-4 axis of arbitrary linear interpolation; FATEK special communication speed up to 920kHz between master and slaver PLC; The system used HU series touch screen for efficient simple manipulation.