
Locoregional therapy and systemic cetuximab to treat colorectal liver metastases

Locoregional therapy and systemic cetuximab to treat colorectal liver metastases
摘要 AIM: To investigate efficacy and safety of second-line treatment with irinotecan-loaded drug-eluting beads(DEBIRI) and cetuximab(DEBIRITUX) of unresectable colorectal liver metastases.METHODS: Patients with the following characteristics were included in the study: unresectable hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma(CRC-LM), progression after first line chemotherapy(any type of chemotherapeutic drug and combination was allowed), second line treatment(mandatory), which included for each patient(unregarding the KRas status) two cycles of DEBIRI(using 100-300 μm beads loaded with irinotecan at a total dose 200 mg) followed by 12 cycles of cetuximab that was administered weekly at a first dose of 400 mg/m2 and then 250 mg/m2; good performance status(0-2) and liver functionality(alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase not exceeding three times the upper limit of normal, total bilirubin not exceeding 2.5 mg/m L). Data were collected retrospectively and included: tumor response(evaluated monthly for 6 mo then every 3 mo), overall response rate(ORR), KRas status, type and intensity of adverse events(G according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0, CTCAE), overall survival(OS) and progression free survival(PFS).RESULTS: Forty consecutive cases of CRC hepatic metastases were included in the study. Median duration of DEBIRITUX was 4.4 mo(range, 4.0-6.5). Sixteen patients(40%) received the planned 2 cycles of DEBIRI and an average of 10 cetuximab cycles. ORR of the whole sample was 50%, in particular 4 patients were complete responders(10%) and 16(40%) partial responders. The most observed side effects(G2) were: post-embolization syndrome(30%), diarrhea(25%), skin rushes(38%) and asthenia(35%). The retrospective evaluation of KRas status(24 wild type, 16 mutated) showed that the group of patients with wild type KRas had ORR significantly higher than mutant KRas. Median follow-up was 29 mo(8-48 range); median PFS was 9.8 mo and OS was 20.4 mo. Future randomized trials are required in this setting to establish a role for DEBIRITUX compared with systemic chemotherapy.CONCLUSION: DEBIRITUX seems to be efficacious after first line chemotherapy for the treatment of unresectable CRC-LM. AIM To investigate efficacy and safety of second-linetreatment with irinotecan-loaded drug-eluting beads(DEBIRI) and cetuximab (DEBIRITUX) of unresectablecolorectal liver metastases.METHODS: Patients with the following characteristicswere included in the study: unresectable hepaticmetastasesfrom colorectal carcinoma (CRC-LM),progression after first line chemotherapy (any type ofchemotherapeutic drug and combination was allowed),second line treatment (mandatory), which includedfor each patient (unregarding the KRas status) twocycles of DEBIRI (using 100-300 μm beads loadedwith irinotecan at a total dose 200 mg) followed by 12cycles of cetuximab that was administered weekly ata first dose of 400 mg/m2 and then 250 mg/m2; good performance performance status (0-2) and liver functionality (alanineaminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase notexceeding three times the upper limit of normal, totalbilirubin not exceeding 2.5 mg/mL). Data were collectedretrospectively and included: tumor response (evaluatedmonthly for 6 mo then every 3 mo), overall responserate (ORR), KRas status, type and intensity of adverseevents (G according to the Common TerminologyCriteria for Adverse Events v3.0, CTCAE), overall survival(OS) and progression free survival (PFS).RESULTS: Forty consecutive cases of CRC hepaticmetastases were included in the study. Median durationof DEBIRITUX was 4.4 mo (range, 4.0-6.5). Sixteenpatients (40%) received the planned 2 cycles of DEBIRIand an average of 10 cetuximab cycles. ORR of thewhole sample was 50%, in particular 4 patients werecomplete responders (10%) and 16 (40%) partialresponders. The most observed side effects (G2)were: post-embolization syndrome (30%), diarrhea(25%), skin rushes (38%) and asthenia (35%). Theretrospective evaluation of KRas status (24 wild type,16 mutated) showed that the group of patients withwild type KRas had ORR significantly higher thanmutant KRas. Median follow-up was 29 mo (8-48range); median PFS was 9.8 mo and OS was 20.4 mo.Future randomized trials are required in this setting toestablish a role for DEBIRITUX compared with systemicchemotherapy.CONCLUSION: DEBIRITUX seems to be efficaciousafter first line chemotherapy for the treatment ofunresectable CRC-LM.
出处 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第6期47-54,共8页 世界胃肠肿瘤学杂志(英文版)(电子版)
关键词 CETUXIMAB Irinotecan-loaded drug-elutingbeads Hepatic METASTASES CHEMOEMBOLIZATION Colonrectal tumor IRINOTECAN Cetuximab Irinotecan-loaded drug-eluting beads Hepatic metastases Chemoembolization Colon rectal tumor Irinotecan
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