
Placental-derived stem cells:Culture, differentiation and challenges 被引量:10

Placental-derived stem cells:Culture, differentiation and challenges
摘要 Stem cell therapy is a promising approach to clinical healing in several diseases. A great variety of tissues(bone marrow, adipose tissue, and placenta) arepotentially sources of stem cells. Placenta-derived stem cells(p-SCs) are in between embryonic and mesenchymal stem cells, sharing characteristics with both, such as non-carcinogenic status and property to differentiate in all embryonic germ layers. Moreover, their use is not ethically restricted as fetal membranes are considered medical waste after birth. In this context, the present review will be focused on the biological properties, culture and potential cell therapy uses of placental-derived stem cells. Immunophenotype characterization, mainly for surface marker expression, and basic principles of p-SC isolation and culture(mechanical separation or enzymatic digestion of the tissues, the most used culture media, cell plating conditions) will be presented. In addition, some preclinical studies that were performed in different medical areas will be cited, focusing on neurological, liver, pancreatic, heart, muscle, pulmonary, and bone diseases and also in tissue engineering field. Finally, some challenges for stem cell therapy applications will be highlighted. The understanding of the mechanisms involved in the p-SCs differentiation and the achievement of pure cell populations(after differentiation) are key points that must be clarified before bringing the preclinical studies, performed at the bench, to the medical practice. Stem cell therapy is a promising approach to clinicalhealing in several diseases. A great variety of tissues(bone marrow, adipose tissue, and placenta) arepotentially sources of stem cells. Placenta-derivedstem cells (p-SCs) are in between embryonic andmesenchymal stem cells, sharing characteristics withboth, such as non-carcinogenic status and property todifferentiate in all embryonic germ layers. Moreover,their use is not ethically restricted as fetal membranesare considered medical waste after birth. In this context,the present review will be focused on the biologicalproperties, culture and potential cell therapy usesof placental-derived stem cells. Immunophenotypecharacterization, mainly for surface marker expression,and basic principles of p-SC isolation and culture(mechanical separation or enzymatic digestion ofthe tissues, the most used culture media, cell platingconditions) will be presented. In addition, somepreclinical studies that were performed in differentmedical areas will be cited, focusing on neurological,liver, pancreatic, heart, muscle, pulmonary, and bonediseases and also in tissue engineering field. Finally,some challenges for stem cell therapy applications willbe highlighted. The understanding of the mechanismsinvolved in the p-SCs differentiation and the achievementof pure cell populations (after differentiation) arekey points that must be clarified before bringing thepreclinical studies, performed at the bench, to themedical practice.
出处 《World Journal of Stem Cells》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期769-775,共7页 世界干细胞杂志(英文版)(电子版)
基金 Supported by Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(CAPES) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvmento Científico e Tecnológico(CNPq) Fundacao de AmparoàPesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais(FAPEMIG)
关键词 FETAL membrane PLACENTA EMBRYONIC STEMCELLS MESENCHYMAL stem cells Cell therapy Fetal membrane Placenta Embryonic stem cells Mesenchymal stem cells Cell therapy
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