Cardiovascular diseases(CVDs), which include alldiseases of the heart and circulation system, are the leading cause of deaths on the globally. During the development of CVDs, choric inflammatory, lipid metabolism disorder and endothelial dysfunction are widely recognized risk factors. Recently, the new treatment for CVDs that designed to regenerate the damaged myocardium and injured vascular endothelium and improve recovery by the use of stem cells, attracts more and more public attention. Histone deacetylases(HDACs) are a family of enzymes that remove acetyl groups from lysine residues of histone proteins allowing the histones to wrap the DNA more tightly and commonly known as epigenetic regulators of gene transcription. HDACs play indispensable roles in nearly all biological processes, such as transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression and developmental events, and have originally shown to be involved in cancer and neurological diseases. HDACs are also found to play crucial roles in cardiovascular diseases by modulating vascular cell homeostasis(e.g., proliferation, migration, and apoptosis of both ECs and SMCs). This review focuses on the roles of different members of HDACs and HDAC inhibitor on stem cell/ progenitor cell differentiation toward vascular cell lineages(endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and Cardiomyocytes) and its potential therapeutics.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which include alldiseases of the heart and circulation system, arethe leading cause of deaths on the globally. Duringthe development of CVDs, choric inflammatory, lipidmetabolism disorder and endothelial dysfunction arewidely recognized risk factors. Recently, the newtreatment for CVDs that designed to regenerate thedamaged myocardium and injured vascular endotheliumand improve recovery by the use of stem cells, attractsmore and more public attention. Histone deacetylases(HDACs) are a family of enzymes that remove acetylgroups from lysine residues of histone proteinsallowing the histones to wrap the DNA more tightlyand commonly known as epigenetic regulators ofgene transcription. HDACs play indispensable roles innearly all biological processes, such as transcriptionalregulation, cell cycle progression and developmentalevents, and have originally shown to be involved incancer and neurological diseases. HDACs are alsofound to play crucial roles in cardiovascular diseases bymodulating vascular cell homeostasis (e.g. , proliferation,migration, and apoptosis of both ECs and SMCs). Thisreview focuses on the roles of different members ofHDACs and HDAC inhibitor on stem cell/ progenitor celldifferentiation toward vascular cell lineages (endothelialcells, smooth muscle cells and Cardiomyocytes) and itspotential therapeutics.
Supported by British Heart Foundation project,No.PG13-63-30419