
Enhancing endothelial progenitor cell for clinical use 被引量:3

Enhancing endothelial progenitor cell for clinical use
摘要 Circulating endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) have been demonstrated to correlate negatively with vascularendothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors. However, translation of basic research into the clinical practice has been limited by the lack of unambiguous and consistent definitions of EPCs and reduced EPC cell number and function in subjects requiring them for clinical use. This article critically reviews the definition of EPCs based on commonly used protocols, their value as a biomarker of cardiovascular risk factor in subjects with cardiovascular disease, and strategies to enhance EPCs for treatment of ischemic diseases. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) havebeen demonstrated to correlate negatively with vascularendothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors.However, translation of basic research into the clinicalpractice has been limited by the lack of unambiguousand consistent definitions of EPCs and reduced EPCcell number and function in subjects requiring them forclinical use. This article critically reviews the definitionof EPCs based on commonly used protocols, their valueas a biomarker of cardiovascular risk factor in subjectswith cardiovascular disease, and strategies to enhanceEPCs for treatment of ischemic diseases.
出处 《World Journal of Stem Cells》 SCIE CAS 2015年第6期894-898,共5页 世界干细胞杂志(英文版)(电子版)
关键词 ENDOTHELIAL PROGENITOR cells Cell therapy ENHANCING function and NUMBER CD34 CLINICAL trials Endothelial progenitor cells Cell therapy Enhancing function and number CD34 Clinical trials
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