
绿额翠尺蛾对寄主的产卵选择性 被引量:1

Preference of Oviposition on Thalassodes proquadraria Oviposition Preference of T. proquadraria to Its Host
摘要 通过田间调查和室内试验测定了绿额翠尺蛾(Thalassodes.proquadraria Inouce)的产卵选择性。结果表明:绿额翠尺蛾在荔枝树的四周嫩叶上均能产卵,在东、南、西、北4个方位上产卵量显著高于中位的产卵量;绿额翠尺蛾的卵散产,通常一片叶只有一粒卵;卵主要产在荔枝嫩叶长度为7~36 mm的叶尖上,其中长度为12~21 mm叶上的产卵量最多;雌成虫对不同寄主植物有很强的选择性,在荔枝、龙眼、芒果和莲雾4种寄主植物上,荔枝上的卵量显著多于其余3种寄主植物;绿额翠尺蛾雌成虫产卵对荔枝品种也有很强的选择性,在妃子笑、三月红、无籽、风霜、丁香5个荔枝品种上,最喜产卵于妃子笑和丁香上,而在三月红和风霜上的卵量很少。研究结果可为该虫进一步的监测和防控提供理论基础。 We determined the oviposition preference of T. proquadraria under laboratory and field condition. The results indicated that T. proquadraria could oviposit on young leaves on litchi tree in all directions. Hereito, the fecundity of adults in East, South, West and North leaves was significantly higher than that in the center area. The eggs were laid sparsely, one egg per leaf. In addition, T. proquadraria mainly laid eggs on 7-36 mm long and young leaves, especially on 12-21 mm long leaves, the fecundity was the most. Host plant significantly affected the preference of female T. proquadraria. The fecundity on litchi leaves were remarkably higher than that on longan, mango and wax-apple leaves. Litchi type also significantly impacted on the preference of T. proquadraria. They preferred laying eggs on Feizixiao and Dingxiang to Sanyuehong and Fengshuang. The results laid a theoretical foundation for further monitoring and controlling of T. proquadraria.
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1661-1664,共4页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(No.201203092) 中西部高校项目(No.ZXBJH-XK005)
关键词 绿额翠尺蛾 寄主 产卵选择 Thalassodes proquadraria Host Oviposition preference
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