
基于互动导向的主动改善对服务创新绩效的影响研究 被引量:7

Impact of Proactive Improvement on Service Innovation Performance:Based on Interaction Orientation
摘要 基于互动导向视角,并将主动改善纳入其中,通过结构方程模型分析,探索新时代背景下企业提高服务创新绩效的新途径。研究结果表明,互动导向对服务创新过程绩效既具有直接正向影响,又具有间接正向影响;互动导向对服务创新结果绩效只具有间接正向影响,不具有直接正向影响;互动导向对主动改善具有直接正向影响;主动改善对服务创新过程绩效具有直接正向影响,并在互动导向与服务创新过程绩效之间发挥部分中介作用;主动改善对服务创新结果绩效具有直接正向影响,并在互动导向与服务创新结果绩效之间发挥部分中介作用。 Taking proactive improvement into the relationship of interaction orientation and service innovation performance, an empirical research is implemented with structural equation model analysis to explore the new way of improving service innovation performance under the new times background based on interaction orientation. The results show that Interaction orientation has both direct and indirect positive effect on service innovation process performance. Interaction orientation only has indirect positive effect on service innovation result performance. Interaction orientation has direct positive effect on proactive improvement. Proactive improvement has direct positive effect on service innovation process performance and has a mediating effect between interaction orientation and service innovation process performance. Proactive improvement has direct positive effect on service innovation result performance and has partial mediating effect between interaction orientation and service innovation result performance.
作者 杨艳玲 田宇
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期1385-1393,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71172162 71462008) 广东人文社会科学重大攻关资助项目(2012ZGXM_0004) 教育部人文社科资助项目(11YJAZH009)
关键词 互动导向 主动改善 服务创新过程绩效 服务创新结果绩效 interaction orientation proactive improvement service innovation process performance service innovation result performance
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