
基于角色重载与知识获取的IT员工跨边界活动对工作满意度的影响 被引量:12

Role Overload and Knowledge Acquisition:The Impact of IT Workers' Boundary-spanning on their Job Satisfaction
摘要 通过区分企业IT员工跨边界角色研究中事务性跨边界活动和学习性跨边界活动两个维度,来解释IT员工不同类型的跨边界活动对工作满意度所具有的不同影响。结果显示,事务性跨边界活动显著影响角色重载,学习性跨边界活动对角色重载的影响不显著,但却对于知识获取有显著促进作用。角色重载导致工作满意度的降低,而知识获取却能提升工作满意度水平。知识获取是学习性跨边界活动对工作满意度产生正向影响的完全中介变量,通过有调节的中介效应整体模型的分析发现,有高成就动机和学习目标导向的IT员工更善于利用学习性跨边界活动获取更多知识以提高工作满意度。 Extant studies have showed the boundary-spanning attribute for IT staff role. And as boundary-spanning role in coordination with business units inside the enterprise and outsider software suppliers, consulting corporations, etc. , IT staffs are engaged in a series of boundary-spanning activities. However, no studies have been conducted directly on IT staffs from the perspective of boundaryspanning. This study focuses on practices of staffs in Chinese IT enterprises, and aims to examine their boundary-spanning role. And it is proposed to explain the different effects of various boundaryspanning activities IT staffs are engaged in on job satisfaction by separating the role into two dimensions: i. e. , transactional boundary-spanning activities (TB) and learning boundary-spanning activities (LB). Research shows that TB, not LB, affects role overload significantly. However, LB facilitates knowledge acquisition significantly. And role overload leads to the decrease of job satisfaction while knowledge acquisition promotes the level of job satisfaction. And knowledge acquisition plays a full mediating role between LB and job satisfaction. After analyzing the whole model including the moderated mediator, it is also found those IT staffs with high achievement motivation and learning goal orientation can better make use of LB to acquire knowledge in order to increase job satisfaction.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期1402-1412,共11页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71472011 71102172) 北京市社会科学基金资助项目(14JGC092)
关键词 跨边界活动 工作满意度 角色重载 知识获取 boundary-spanning of IT staffs job satisfaction role overload knowledge acquisition
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