
农业转移人口市民化成本困境及对策分析 被引量:17

Analysis on cost predicament of citizenization of rural migrant labors and its countermeasures
摘要 为提高城镇化质量,扩大国内需求,促进农业农村发展,我国大力推进农业转移人口市民化,然而在市民化过程中面临的各种成本困境,导致市民化进展缓慢,因此,如何消除这些困境就成为解决农业转移人口市民化的关键。基于农业转移人口市民化现状分析,阐明了农业转移人口市民化面临的机会成本的丧失,过高的住房成本,社保费用成本承担不足,就业培训和随迁子女义务教育成本在流入地和流出地之间引发分担矛盾以及地方政府缺乏承担市民化成本的财力和动力等诸多成本困境。为促进农业转移人口市民化能够顺利实现,筹集市民化所需资金,化解各成本分摊主体之间的矛盾,提出了以流入地为主承担培训和教育成本,增加中央财政对流入地的转移支付,鼓励地方政府多元筹资,实行政府保障和市场供应相结合的住房供给制度,监督企业为农业转移人口支付各种保险费用以及农业转移人口可以"带资进城"等一系列切实可行的破解对策。 T o im prove the quality of urbanization, enlarge dom estic dem ands, and advance the developm ent in agriculture, C hina is vigorously prom oting the citizenization of rural m igrant labors. H ow ever, various kinds of cost predicam ents in the process of citizenization slow dow n the progress of citizenization of rural m igrant labors. C onsequently, how to elim inate these predicam ents becom es the key to solving the problem s. B ased on the analysis of the current situation of citizenization of rural m igrant labors, this paper identifies and analyzes the cost predicam ents in the process of citizenization, including the loss of the opportunity costs, the exorbitant housing costs, the insufficient social insurance coverage, the distribution contradiction of the training cost for rural labors and the educational cost for their children betw een outflow and inflow regions, and the insufficient policy and financial support from the local governm ents.To achieve the citizenization ofruralm igrantlaborssm oothly,to raise the capitalforcitizenization,and to solve the above m entioned contradiction,a serious ofpracticalcounterm easures are proposed in this paper,including 1) the inflow regions m ainly assum e the costs of job training and education;2) the central G overnm ent should increase the transfer paym ent to support the inflow regions;3) the local G overnm ents focus on m ulti-channel fund raising, im plem entation of the integrated housing system of the com bination of m arket supply and governm ent subsidy;supervision of the insurance fees paid by enterprises for the rural m igrant labors;and 4) rural m igrant labors should be encouraged to com e to cities w ith their“m obile assets”.
出处 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期767-772,共6页 Research of Agricultural Modernization
基金 黑龙江省农垦总局科技局课题(HNK11A-14-04) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(12B062)
关键词 农业转移人口 市民化成本 带资进城 共有产权 多元筹资 人地挂钩 rural migrant labors costs of citizenization coming to city with "mobile assets" common property rights multi-channel fund raising labor-region linkage
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