
面向MOOC的公共图书馆服务建设策略研究 被引量:8

MOOC-Oriented Strategies of Service Construction of the Public Library
摘要 MOOC作为一种新兴的在线课程开发模式,具有大规模、开放性、网络化的特点;它不仅改变了传统的教育模式和理念,也对图书馆的信息服务产生了影响。公共图书馆与MOOC在服务学习和理论渊源上具有高度的耦合性。文章基于我国MOOC发展现状、公共图书馆用户需求的特点,对MOOC环境下公共图书馆面临的挑战进行了深入分析和探索,提出了应对MOOC发展的公共图书馆服务建设策略。 As a an emerging pattern of the online courses, MOOC ( Massive Open Online Courses) which is characterized by massive, open and networking, has changed traditional mode and theory of the education. Meanwhile it has an extensive and profound impact on the traditional library service. The public library has highly coupling with the MOOC in some aspects as learning of service and theoretical origin. Based on the current situation of MOOC and the features of the public library users' need, this article explores the challenges for the public library in MOOC environment; also it poses the strategies of service construction to response the development of the MOOC.
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2015年第18期58-62,共5页 Research on Library Science
基金 吉林省教育科学规划项目"网络环境下吉林省高等院校大学生信息素养培育对策研究"(项目编号:ZC11005)的研究成果之一
关键词 MOOC 公共图书馆 信息服务 MOOC public library information services
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