Hubei province exported RMB 900 million of railway equipment during the first seven months this year,a year-on-year rise of 220 percent.Some leading manufacturers of railway equipment have opened businesses in Wuhan,and have boosted the exports of such goods with creative technologies and extended industry chain.During the same period,Shandong province exported RMB 2.5 billion of railway equipment,a yearon-year decrease of 17.8%.The SOEs exported RMB1.84 billion,a drop of 30.7%.The private companies sold RMB 480 million,rising by 150 percent.The foreign invested firms exported RMB 180 million,a drop of 8.1%.Sichuan province exported RMB 1.89 billion,a rise of 23.8%compared with the same period of last year,as the demand from major markets kept rising and the high-end manufacturing capacity has been released.Meanwhile,Jiangsu province exported RMB 1.7 billion,a year-on-year drop of 15.9%.The province sold more in the same period of last year as many orders came to their delivery dates and thereby heightened the cardinal number of this year.Besides,die fiercer competition was also a factor that impeded the exports.