
新加坡的北极事务参与及其对中国的启示 被引量:7

The Arctic Affairs Involvement of Singapore and Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 在"北极热"全球化浪潮中,"精英小国"新加坡虽远离北极,但近年来积极争取参与北极事务,已逐渐成长为北极治理中的后起之秀。在新加坡政府积极推动下,双边和多边渠道被灵活应用于新加坡的北极事务参与,其国内各界也实现了北极事务参与上的联合协同,使新加坡自身优势与北极治理需求得到有效对接,堪称"海洋新加坡"的重要开拓。这反映出北极的新加坡影响与新加坡的北极贡献两种视角下新加坡的北极国家利益观,涉及环境安全、可持续发展、政治影响与经验技术推广等方面。新加坡北极事务参与中的利益明确、言行相顾、国内协同和以人为本等成功经验,为同样作为域外利益攸关方的中国北极事务的参与提供了诸多启示。 In the globalization wave of "Arctic heat", although "the Elite Small Country" --Singapore is away from the Arctic, it has actively strived for the Arctic Arctic governance in recent years. Under the leading affairs involvement, and gradually grew into a rising star of drive of Singapore government, bilateral and multi -lateral approaches have been applied to the Arctic affairs involvement; all sectors of Singapore have achieved joint collaboration in involving Arctic affairs, it has made an effective connection between Singapore's own advantages and demands of Arctic governance, this can be called an important development of "marine Singapore" It reflects Singapore's view of national interests in the Arctic from the perspectives of Arctic influence and Singapore's contributipns to Arctic, referring to environmental security, sustainable development, political influence, promotion of experience and technology and so on. The same as outside stakeholder. interests, walking the talk, domestic collaboration and people oriented in much enlightenment for the Arctic affairs involvement of China. Singapore's successful experience of clear the Arctic affairs involvement can provide
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2015年第4期18-26,共9页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"中国参与极地治理战略研究"(14JZD032) "南北极环境综合考察与评估"国家专项课题"极地国家政策研究"(CHINARE2015-04-05-05) 中国极地科学战略研究基金项目"北冰洋国家北极政策的基本目标及政策手段研究"(20140401)
关键词 新加坡 北极事务参与 域外利益攸关方 中国 Singapore Arctic Affairs Involvement Outside Stakeholder China
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