
浊点萃取HPLC法测定秦皮中秦皮甲素和秦皮乙素的含量 被引量:2

Determination of Esculin and Esculetin in Cortex Fraxini by Cloud Point Extraction Coupled with HPLC
摘要 目的:建立浊点萃取高效液相色谱法测定秦皮中秦皮甲素和秦皮乙素含量的方法。方法:选择以表面活性剂Genapol X-080作为萃取剂,考察了表面活性剂浓度、液固比、盐浓度、平衡温度、平衡时间等因素对萃取结果的影响。结果:获得最佳萃取条件为Genapol X-080的质量浓度为0.18 g·m L-1,液固比定为100∶1,盐浓度1.5 mol·L-1,平衡温度60℃,平衡时间35 min。结论:浊点萃取是一种安全、高效、简便的样品处理方法。在最佳条件下,秦皮甲素和秦皮乙素的加样回收率分别为95.3%,96.0%,RSD分别为2.3%,2.1%。利用此方法成功测定了秦皮中秦皮甲素和秦皮乙素的含量。 Objective: A new method was developed for the determination of esculin and esculetin in Cortex Fraxini by cloud point extraction coupled with HPLC. Method: The surfactant Genapol X-080 was chosen as the extract solvent. Some affecting factors such as the concentration of surfactant, liquid/solid ratio, the concentration of sodium chloride, equilibration temperature and equilibration time were investigated and optimized. Result: The optimum conditions were achieved of 0.18 g ·mL ^-1 surfactant concentration, 100:1 liquid/solid ratio, 1.5 mol·L^-1 sodium chloride concentration for 35 min under 60 ℃. Conclusion: This methodology offers the advantages of safety, efficiency and easiness. Under the optimum conditions, the average recoveries of eseulin and eseuletin were 95.3%, 96.0% and RSD were 2.3%, 2.1%. The method was successfully applied to determine eseulin and eseuletin in Cortex Fraxini respectively.
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第18期52-55,共4页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 宁夏自然科学基金项目(NZ12135)
关键词 浊点萃取 秦皮 高效液相色谱 含量测定 cloud point extraction Cortex Fraxini HPLC determination
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