
Pressure Boundary Conditions for Blood Flows 被引量:2

Pressure Boundary Conditions for Blood Flows
摘要 Simulations of blood flows in arteries require numerical solutions of fluidstructure interactions involving Navier-Stokes equations coupled with large displacement visco-elasticity for the vessels.Among the various simplifications which have been proposed, the surface pressure model leads to a hierarchy of simpler models including one that involves only the pressure. The model exhibits fundamental frequencies which can be computed and compared with the pulse. Yet unconditionally stable time discretizations can be constructed by combining implicit time schemes with Galerkin-characteristic discretization of the convection terms in the Navier-Stokes equations. Such problems with prescribed pressure on the walls will be shown to be efficient and accurate as an approximation of the full fluid structure interaction problem.
出处 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期829-842,共14页 数学年刊(B辑英文版)
关键词 Fluid-structure interaction Compliant walls Finite element method Navier-Stokes equations Blood flow 压力边界条件 Navier-Stokes 流体-结构相互作用 血流量 Galerkin 流体结构相互作用 斯托克斯方程 简单模型
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