
焦虑、建议者善意程度对个体建议采纳的影响 被引量:12

Influence of anxiety and the degree of benevolence on advice-taking
摘要 通过两个实验探讨焦虑和建议者的善意程度对建议采纳的影响。实验一采用电影片段来诱发被试的焦虑情绪,实验二采用特质焦虑量表选取高低特质焦虑的被试参加实验。研究发现:(1)焦虑情绪对建议采纳有影响,焦虑情绪下的被试,其建议采纳程度大于处于中性情绪状态的被试。(2)高低特质焦虑的被试建议采纳程度没有显著差异。(3)建议者的善意程度会影响建议采纳,高善意建议者的建议更多地被采纳。 Advice-taking is the hotspot of current research on behavioral decision making. It mainly explores how judges change the initial opinion to form the final decision after receiving another person's advice. Advice-taking involves judges and advisors according to the judge-advisor system. Therefore, the factors of decision-makers, advisors and tasks will affect the degree of advice taking. Previous research showed that the decision maker's emotion plays a critical role in advice-taking. When making decisions, individuals will produce complex emotions, and anxiety is most likely to be produced. Since anxiety is an unpleasant experience, individuals with anxiety will seek emotional support in order to get rid of this unpleasant experience, not just cognitive help. The benevolent adviser could give this support to decision makers. In the face of an adviser with a different degree of benevolence, the degree of advice-taking may different. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of anxiety and the degree of benevolence on advice-taking. Two experiments were designed to explore the influence of anxiety and benevolence on people's advice-taking by the classical paradigm of advice-taking. The decision task was estimating the number of coins in a glass. In Experiment 1, anxiety was induced by video clips. In Experiment 2, participants were selected using Trait Anxiety Inventory. The subjects who had the top 27% score belonged to high level trait anxiety, and the bottom 27% score belonged to low level trait anxiety. There were 127 college students who took part in Experiment 1 and 120 college students who took part in Experiment 2. The dependent variable was the level of advice-taking, which was calculated by the formula of WOA (weight of advice). The statistical result showed that in Experiment 1, the main effects of anxiety and benevolence were signifieant(ps〈.01), though the interactions were not significant. In the Experiment 2, the main effect of trait anxiety was not significant, but the main effect of benevolence was significant(p〈.01). The interaction between trait anxiety and benevolence was not significant. The results indicated that anxiety influenced advice taking. The subjects who felt anxiety were more receptive to advice than subjects in a neutral state. The level of trait anxiety had no effects on advice-taking. People with a high level of anxiety are just as receptive to advice as people with low anxiety. The anxious feeling of trait anxiety individuals is lower than state anxiety individuals. So, for trait anxiety individuals, their motivation to get rid of anxiety and to avoid failure may be low. Their target to reduce the uncertainty and uncontrollability is also not strong. Thus, as a state of a specific emotion, state anxiety and trait anxiety have different effects on individual advice- taking. The degree of benevolence influenced advice-taking; the advice with high degree of benevolence was adopted more readily than that with low degree of benevolence. So if we want someone to take our recommendations, we need to pay attention to our way of expression.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期1155-1161,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 山东省应用基础型名校工程建设专业带头人经费的资助
关键词 焦虑 善意程度 建议采纳 anxiety, the degree of benevolence, advice-taking
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