

Research on Chinese Characteristics of International Climate Regime and Its Influence
摘要 国际气候制度是中国在国际社会治理体系中为数不多的,以缔约者身份与其他国家合作创建而非后续调整加入的国际制度。国际气候谈判之所以在联合国框架下进行、以"公约+议定书"的方式逐步推进、与发展问题紧密相连、以人均原则为碳排放衡量标准、以"共同但有区别的责任"为基础建构原则均离不开中国的努力和作为。国际气候制度的"中国烙印"对中国以非附件I国家身份承担义务,获得相对充足的经济发展空间,获取国际社会资金和技术支持以及与其他发展中国家结成战略联盟意义重大。在后《京都议定书》国际气候制度安排中,中国能否按照自己的意愿和步调来应对气候变化,不仅取决于国际社会对中国所持原则理念和利益认知的吸收和采纳,而且取决于中国将其理念认知转化为制度实践的能力和技巧。 International climate regime is one of the comparatively few international institutions that China entered as a builder, not just as the later participant in international governance system. China plays an important role in building international climate regime which is featured with Chinese characteristics which are negotiating in the platform of the United Nations, taking the legal form of first convention and then protocol, linking closely with development, holding the standard of per capita of carbon emission and pursuing the basic principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. Chinese characteristics of international climate regime ~tre very important to China, which makes China take responsibilities as the Non-Annex I, and have relatively sufficient space for its economic development, to get access to international capital and technology and form strategic alliances with other developing countries. In the era of post- Kyoto, if China could cope with climate change according to its own intention and pace, it will not only depend on the adoption of international community to China's philosophy and ideas of regime-building, but also on China's ability and skills to practice its own philosophy and ideas.
作者 肖兰兰
机构地区 青岛农业大学
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期66-70,82,共6页 Ecological Economy
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(13YJCZH206) 青岛农业大学人文社会科学研究课题(613Y27)
关键词 中国 国际气候制度 中国烙印 China international climate regime Chinese characteristics
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